Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Vocabulary Teaching Resources

I've been so wowed by the great teaching resources that are freely available on this siteVocabularySpellingCity not only features sentences for each of our 42,000+ words, we also feature vocabulary content, including definitions, parts of speech, synonyms and antonyms! We have introduced four new Premium Activities using this content: Vocabulary Test and MatchIt Definitions, both of which feature definitions; Parts of Speech, which guides students to select the correct part of speech of a given word as used in a sentence; and Word-O-Rama, an exciting word game show that features fill-in-the-blank sentences, definitions, synonyms and antonyms! Learning vocabulary has never been so much fun!  They have materials for teaching at so many grade levels and for a range of educational subject areas such as:
 Analogies - New! 
Math Vocabulary - Most Popular! 
Multiple Meaning Words - New! 
Possessive Nouns 
Science Vocabulary - New! 
Sound Alike Words
Syllables - New! 

And it's now available as an app on the Ipad/iPhone.

Teaching Resources
Welcome to the articles and resources section of our site. On the left, you'll see a list of links with useful information about how to better use VocabularySpellingCity at home and in the classroom.  
Which lists are the Most Popular?
Sight words
Dolch Words - This collection of Dolch or sight words is perennially useful. It includes both background information and ready-to-use lists.
Compound Words
Compound Words - Kids love studying compound words. Teachers love teaching them. Does your school have a Compound Word Day? It should!
Sound Alike Words
Sound Alike Words - All students, and many adults, benefit from practice in distinguishing the correct spelling and usage of its and it's; they're, there, and their; and to, too, and two
Math Vocabulary
Math Vocabulary by Grade - Math word lists ranging from Kindergarten to High School.
Science Vocabulary
Science Vocabulary by Grade - Science word lists ranging from Kindergarten to High School.

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