Saturday, May 03, 2014

Favorite Homeschooling Educational Blogs

Since I'm a big reader of blogs about education and homeschooling, I thought I'd list my favorite ones:

Homeschool Online, Together at Home --One of the reasons that I like this blog is the clever punchline. Who is together at home? My family? Lots of families? I like the double sense of community. I also like that she is a free thinker and doesn't agree automatically with many of the commonly accepted "truths" that homeschoolers seem to cite to each other. Examples:
Common Core Discussion – Stirring up some trouble!
 Do we homeschool only because the schools stink? 

Choosing Homeschool Curricula -  For example, here's a controversial post:  What are the pros and the cons of the Common Core Standards?  They seem to have become so politicized that I haven't seen any real evaluations of the pros and cons. So I'll start it off, feel free to join in. Learning Today -

Learning Today - Todays Learners -Education has changed forever. Forget the idea that you can send your kids worry-free to the neighborhood school Forget trusting the school to teach your children Forget all your ideas of students being empty eager vessels to fill full of knowledge…. Why? Because things have changed. Technology, the school systems, the students and the companies that hire them have all changed. Lets start with the students… I’m talking about the youth of today and also the work force in today’s competitive companies. Online education is now mainstream with colleges, grad schools and continuing education all offering traditional, blended, and online options. Even the traditional is technology infused. Our people are now, as Marc Prensky calls them, “Digital Natives” with skills and a mindset suited to today’s technical realities. Learning styles have evolved as have our diagnostic tools and categories of learning styles and the dysfunctions. The skills are different too with analytics, algorithms, & web researching becoming mainstream skills. And while public schools still dominate the educational system, homeschooling and virtual schools are the two hottest growth areas in education. They’re cost effective and they can work! How different is today’s technology- Well, remember that just fifteen years ago, twenty volume sets of encyclopedias were being sold as a primary information resource. How quaint it seems today!

Learning Fun Blog -Choosing to matter. #youmatter Telling students that they matter because their contribution is needed. Everyone's genius can and should contribute. It's not about inspiration or ego or self-esteem, it's about helping them find their passion and asking them to contribute with their genius.... Angela points out that students don't want to be passive. It's not inspiration. It's a reality. People are needed.....

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