Monday, December 14, 2009

Blending curricula for homeschool optimization

There are so many different ways of blending curriculum. If only it were as easy as blending colors.....

Time4Learning's Use with other Curricula
Charlotte Mason &Ambleside (from which this is excerpted):  Charlotte Mason was a British educator who believed that education was about more than training for a job, passing an exam, or getting into the right college. She said education was an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life; it was about finding out who we were and how we fit into the world of human beings and into the universe God created. But this kind of thinking was pretty much eclipsed during the 20th century by demands for more exams and more workers. In 1987, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay wrote a book called For the Children's Sake, which reintroduced parents to Charlotte Mason's methods and philosophy, and it started to gain a foothold with a new generation of homeschoolers.

Singapore Math & Time4Learning
Saxon Math &Time4Learning
A Beka math & Time4Learning - Considering the A Beka®* curriculum? Already using A Beka® online tutoring and thinking about what to use with it? Looking to supplement A Beka® math? Many parents who homeschool their children find that one of the hardest tasks is selecting which homeschool curriculum to work with. The web is full of homeschool resource lists, homeschool material discussions, and homeschool resource reviews.

Sonlight & Time4Learning
Switched on Schoolhouse &; Time4Learning
Lapbooking Do you complement your homeschool curriculum with lapbooking? This page is intended as a resource for people who want to know how Time4Learning can be used in conjunction with lapbooking.
Many parents find lapbooks appealing because of the intense parent/child interaction inherent in the majority of lessons. Activities revolve around a theme that a parent is required to be actively involved in as the basis for learning. The teaching parent often finds it easier to maximize the lapbooking experience when it’s combined with a self-running comprehensive curriculum, like Time4Learning, that is less demanding of the parent’s time. Less time spent on math and phonics means more time to enjoy lapbooking!
Eclectic Homeschooling
Unschooling & Time4Learning

Homeschooling Online

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