Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reading about my favorite curriclum

I thought I would do some reading about my favorite curriculum....

Time4Learning is a new approach that takes advantage of today's technology. It's a convenient, online home education program that combines learning with fun educational teaching games.
The online language arts and math comprise a comprehensive program for preschool, elementary school, and middle school. Science and social studies programs are provided as a free bonus for most grades.
Kids like using the computer to learn and to develop their skills. The Time4Learning educational teaching program gives students independence to progress at their own pace.

Accidental homeschoolers is a term coined by Time4Learning to describe a large group of homeschoolers who seem underrepresented in the public portrayal of homeschoolers.
Website articles on homeschooling seem to categorize homeschoolers as one of two types: those homeschooling primarily for religious reasons, and those homeschooling as a parenting style, that is, Holt and Gatto followers.
Both of these groups are similar in that they made a choice to homeschool as part of some sort of lifeplan.

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